Chat Bot AI advice

I asked a AI Chat Bot for advice and how to stop feeling sad after a break up. The advice was really good! Here is what Arin the Chat Bot had to say. I’m sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult time. It’s completely understandable to feel sad after a breakup, andContinue reading “Chat Bot AI advice”


You hated my cold hands The way I tied my hair How I cleaned, cooked and what I wear You tried to change me but I’m here still I’ll keep fighting for me but you never will I fought for you too once but you seem to have forgotten Who changed jobs to care forContinue reading “Sadness”

The Split

I’m grieving who you were But you’re still alive I’m grieving the one person who used to make me feel loved inside I miss the way you used to smile, stroke my hair, hold my hand I crave the lost passion and how you made me feel good about myself and treated me right IContinue reading “The Split”

Painful Happy Memories

It dampens my days when happy memories come up, when I know I’m no longer part of future happy memories with that special person/s. Broken families are terrible but some just can’t be fixed. It’s not just a personality clash, it’s removing yourself from toxic and violent situations which result in you no longer beingContinue reading “Painful Happy Memories”

Bless Our NHS

But damn the Tories and Branson. As I sat in A&E, at 7am, on Tuesday, doubled in pain, I look up and see the wait time list, 10 hours. Now luckily for me I guess, I’m not here with a break, I’m here with internal pain around my stomach and gall bladder and having hadContinue reading “Bless Our NHS”

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